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semptools 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2024-11-09


  • Updated mark_sig() and mark_se() to preliminarily support plots with intercepts. (

  • Updated add_rsq() to support plots with intercepts. (

Bug Fixes

semptools 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-10-21

New Features

  • Added set_edge_attribute() to change any attribute of the edges. (

  • Added set_node_attribute() to change any attribute of the nodes. (

  • Added set_edge_color() to change the colors of edges. (

  • Added rescale_layout() to expand the plot to fit the rectangle bounded by -1 and 1 vertically and horizontally. (

  • Added add_rsq() to add R-squares to endogenous variables. They will replace the residual variances in the plot. (


  • Updated mark_sig() to accept a data frame with the p-values. Users can supply p-values computed by other functions. (

  • Updated mark_se() to accept a data frame with the standard errors. Users can supply standard errors computed by other functions. (

  • Updated mark_sig() to use the p-values from lavaan::standardizedSolution(). Users need to explicitly request standardized solution p-values by setting the argument std_type. (

  • Updated mark_se() to use the standard errors from lavaan::standardizedSolution(). Users need to explicitly request standardized solution standard errors by setting the argument std_type. (

  • Functions that change the attributes of an edge, such as set_edge_label_position(), should now supports factor loadings by using the =~ operator when specifying the edge. Previously, we needed to specify a loading as if it were a regression path (e.g., x1 ~ f1). (


  • Revised change_node_label() to address an issue with plot.qgraph(). label.cex should now be used as expected. (

  • Fixed an R CMD check issue with some links in Rd files. (

  • Start to use Use 0.X.0 for each initial submission to CRAN. (0.3.0)

semptools 0.2.10

CRAN release: 2023-10-15

New Features

Bug Fixes


  • Added an R CMD check for noSuggests. (
  • Fixed a bug in the setting for pkgdown. (
  • Add DoNotPlot = TRUE in all tests to prevent semPlot::semPaths() from plotting the graphs in the tests. (,
  • Added the helper add_object(). (
  • Removed dplyr functions from the code and removed dplyr from Imports. (
  • Removed the check for factors with no direction specified in auto_factor_point_to(). The “factor” may be a manifest variable without indicators. (
  • Added two internal helpers to check node labels (labels changed? labels non-string?). (
  • Removed the mention of change_node_label2, which was not exported, from the help page. (,
  • Made the warning and error messages of set_cfa_layout() and set_sem_layout() more informative. (


CRAN release: 2023-05-31

  • Used the native functions of semPlot (semPlot::man() and semPlot::lat()) to check nodes in drop_nodes() and keep_nodes(). As a consequence, the semPlot package is now in the Import section. (More native functions will be used in the future to ensure compatibility.) (


  • Updated pkgdown site.


  • Added support for 2nd order factor (see vignette("second_order")). (
  • Fixed doc due to Roxygen updated to 7.2.1. (
  • Update the GitHub actions. (
  • Fixed doc due to Roxygen updated to 7.2.3. (
  • Fixed set_curve(). It should now work for bidirectional edges regardless of the order of the nodes in the specification. (


CRAN release: 2022-08-25

  • Fixed several problems with pkgdown setting.

  • Roxygen updated to 7.2.0 and some man pages are updated accordingly.




CRAN release: 2021-10-11

  • Minor fixes to errors in CRAN checks.


CRAN release: 2021-09-27

  • Minor fixes to the DESCRIPTION file and examples.


Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug in set_sem_layout(). Failed to work with models in which all factors have the same number of indicators.


  • Reformatted the help sections of the functions (wrap the text for readability). This has no impact on uses and the generated help files.

semptools 0.2.9


  • Added change_node_label() for changing the labels of nodes. Several other functions were modified to adapt for this function.

  • Added to_list_of_lists() for converting a named vector to a list of lists. Specifying a list of lists is necessary in some cases because the a label may not be string (e.g., it may be an expression). However, in most cases, all elements are strings or numbers and so a named vector will do. This function is to be used internally by other functions, not to be used by users.

semptools 0.2.8

  • Fix a bug in set_cfa_layout(). It now will not raise an error for one-factor models.

  • Fix some typo errors in documentation pages.

semptools 0.2.7

  • Import the pipe operator from magrittr so users no need to load the package themselves.

semptools 0.2.6

  • Update the documentation of mark_sig() and mark_se() to emphasize that currently they require a lavaan output.

semptools 0.2.5

  • Used pkgdown to build a site. The first draft, with minimal customization.

semptools 0.2.4

  • Alpha release. Ready for testing.