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Keep or drop nodes from an semPlotModel object.


drop_nodes(object, nodes)

keep_nodes(object, nodes)



An an semPlot::semPlotModel generated by semPlot::semPlotModel().


A character vector of the nodes to be kept or removed.


An object of the class semPlot::semPlotModel.


These functions can be used to edit the nodes in an semPlot::semPlotModel generated by semPlot::semPlotModel(). The edited object can then be passed to semPlot::semPaths() to generate a path diagram.

Use keep_nodes() to specify the nodes to be kept. All other nodes will be removed.

Use drop_nodes() to specify the nodes to be dropped. All other nodes will be kept.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
             NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
pm_pa <- semPlot::semPlotModel(fit_pa)
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)

pm_pa2 <- drop_nodes(pm_pa, c("x3"))
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa2, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)

pm_pa3 <- keep_nodes(pm_pa, c("x1", "x3", "x4"))
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa3, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)