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Return the confidence interval of the Delta_Med in the output of delta_med().


# S3 method for class 'delta_med'
confint(object, parm, level = NULL, boot_type, ...)



The output of delta_med().


Not used because only one parameter, the Delta_Med, is allowed.


The level of confidence, default is NULL and the level used when the object was created will be used.


If bootstrap confidence interval is to be formed, the type of bootstrap confidence interval. The supported types are "perc" (percentile bootstrap confidence interval, the recommended method) and "bc" (bias-corrected, or BC, bootstrap confidence interval). If not supplied, the stored boot_type will be used.


Optional arguments. Ignored.


A one-row matrix of the confidence interval. All values are NA if bootstrap confidence interval was not requested when calling delta_med().


It returns the nonparametric bootstrap percentile confidence interval of Delta_Med, proposed byLiu, Yuan, and Li (2023). The object must be the output of delta_med(), with bootstrap confidence interval requested when calling delta_med(). However, the level of confidence can be different from that used when call delta_med().

See also


dat <- data_med
mod <-
m ~ x
y ~ m + x
fit <- sem(mod, dat)

# Call do_boot() to generate
# bootstrap estimates
# Use 2000 or even 5000 for R in real studies
# Set parallel to TRUE in real studies for faster bootstrapping
boot_out <- do_boot(fit,
                    R = 45,
                    seed = 879,
                    parallel = FALSE,
                    progress = FALSE)
# Remove 'progress = FALSE' in practice
dm_boot <- delta_med(x = "x",
                     y = "y",
                     m = "m",
                     fit = fit,
                     boot_out = boot_out,
                     progress = FALSE)
#> Call:
#> delta_med(x = "x", y = "y", m = "m", fit = fit, boot_out = boot_out, 
#>     progress = FALSE)
#> Predictor (x)       : x 
#> Mediator(s) (m)     : m 
#> Outcome variable (y): y 
#> Delta_med                                     :          0.230
#> 95.0% Bootstrap percentile confidence interval: [0.097, 0.318]
#> Number of bootstrap samples                   :             45
#> Paths removed:
#>  m~x
#>           Percentile 2.5 % Percentile 97.5 %
#> Delta_Med       0.09725932         0.3175632