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Print the content of a 'fit_measures_change'-class object.


# S3 method for class 'fit_measures_change'
  digits = 3,
  first = 10,
  sort_by = NULL,
  decreasing = TRUE,
  absolute = TRUE,



An 'fit_measures_change'-class object.


The number of digits after the decimal. Default is 3.


Numeric. If not NULL, it prints only the first k cases, k equal to first. Default is 10.


String. Default is NULL and the output is not sorted. If set to a column names of x, cases will sorted by this columns. The sorting is done on the absolute values if absolute is TRUE, and in decreasing order if decreasing is TRUE. If decrease is FALSE, the order is increasing. If absolute is FALSE, the sorting is done on the raw values.


Logical. Whether cases, if sorted, is on decreasing order. Default is TRUE. See sort_by.


Logical. Whether cases, if sorted, are sorted on absolute values. Default is TRUE. See sort_by.


Other arguments. They will be ignored.


x is returned invisibly. Called for its side effect.


All the functions on case influence on fit measures, fit_measures_change() and fit_measures_change_approx(), return an fit_measures_change-class object. This method will print the output, with the option to sort the cases.



# A path model

dat <- pa_dat
mod <-
m1 ~ a1 * iv1 + a2 * iv2
dv ~ b * m1
a1b := a1 * b
a2b := a2 * b
# Fit the model
fit <- lavaan::sem(mod, dat)
#> lavaan 0.6-19 ended normally after 1 iteration
#>   Estimator                                         ML
#>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
#>   Number of model parameters                         5
#>   Number of observations                           100
#> Model Test User Model:
#>   Test statistic                                 6.711
#>   Degrees of freedom                                 2
#>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.035
#> Parameter Estimates:
#>   Standard errors                             Standard
#>   Information                                 Expected
#>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
#> Regressions:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   m1 ~                                                
#>     iv1       (a1)    0.215    0.106    2.036    0.042
#>     iv2       (a2)    0.522    0.099    5.253    0.000
#>   dv ~                                                
#>     m1         (b)    0.517    0.106    4.895    0.000
#> Variances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .m1                0.903    0.128    7.071    0.000
#>    .dv                1.321    0.187    7.071    0.000
#> Defined Parameters:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>     a1b               0.111    0.059    1.880    0.060
#>     a2b               0.270    0.075    3.581    0.000

# Case influence
out <- fit_measures_change_approx(fit)
#> -- Approximate Case Influence on Fit Measures --
#>     chisq    cfi  rmsea    tli
#> 1   0.160 -0.002  0.002 -0.005
#> 2  -0.019  0.001 -0.001  0.003
#> 3  -0.389  0.008 -0.007  0.019
#> 4  -0.151  0.004 -0.003  0.009
#> 5   0.097  0.000  0.001  0.001
#> 6   0.116 -0.001  0.001 -0.003
#> 7  -0.596  0.013 -0.010  0.032
#> 8   0.119  0.002  0.001  0.005
#> 9   0.543 -0.012  0.008 -0.031
#> 10  0.703 -0.013  0.011 -0.033
#> Note:
#> - Only the first 10 case(s) is/are displayed. Set ‘first’ to NULL to display all cases.
print(out, sort_by = "chisq", first = 5)
#> -- Approximate Case Influence on Fit Measures --
#>     chisq    cfi  rmsea    tli
#> 91  1.846 -0.035  0.033 -0.089
#> 25  1.621 -0.032  0.029 -0.080
#> 43  1.392 -0.031  0.024 -0.078
#> 17 -1.389  0.023 -0.022  0.058
#> 16 -1.283  0.016 -0.021  0.039
#> Note:
#> - Only the first 5 case(s) is/are displayed. Set ‘first’ to NULL to display all cases.
#> - Cases sorted by chisq in decreasing order on absolute values.

fit_rerun <- lavaan_rerun(fit, parallel = FALSE,
                          to_rerun = c(2, 3, 5, 7))#'
#> The expected CPU time is 0.12 second(s).
#> Could be faster if run in parallel.
out <- fit_measures_change(fit_rerun)
#> -- Case Influence on Fit Measures --
#>    chisq   cfi  rmsea   tli
#> 2 -0.019 0.001 -0.001 0.003
#> 3 -0.417 0.008 -0.007 0.021
#> 5  0.097 0.000  0.001 0.001
#> 7 -0.631 0.014 -0.011 0.034
#> Note:
#> - All stored cases are displayed.
print(out, sort_by = "chisq", first = 5)
#> -- Case Influence on Fit Measures --
#>    chisq   cfi  rmsea   tli
#> 7 -0.631 0.014 -0.011 0.034
#> 3 -0.417 0.008 -0.007 0.021
#> 5  0.097 0.000  0.001 0.001
#> 2 -0.019 0.001 -0.001 0.003
#> Note:
#> - All stored cases are displayed.
#> - Cases sorted by chisq in decreasing order on absolute values.