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Generate an 'igraph' object from a 'model_set' object.


  node_size_by_x = TRUE,
  x = NULL,
  node_size = 5,
  min_size = 5,
  max_size = 35,
  color_original = "lightblue",
  color_add = "burlywood1",
  color_drop = "lightgreen",
  color_others = "lightgrey",
  color_label = "black",
  node_label_size = 1,
  original = "original",
  drop_redundant_direct_paths = TRUE,
  label_arrow_by_df = NULL,
  arrow_label_size = 1,
  weight_arrows_by_df = c("inverse", "normal", "none"),
  arrow_min_width = 0.5,
  arrow_max_width = 2,
  progress = TRUE,
  short_names = FALSE,
  min_bpp_labelled = NULL,



Must be a model_set-class object for now.


Logical. Whether node (vertex) sizes are determined by a variable. Default is TRUE. See x below on how size is determined.


If not NULL, it should be a numeric vector of length equal to the number of models. The node sizes will be proportional to the values of x, offset by min_size. If NULL, the default, the BIC posterior probabilities stored in object will be retrieved.


If node_size_by_x is FALSE, this is the size for all nodes.


The minimum size of a node. Default is 5.


The maximum size of a node. Default is 35.


The color of node of the original model. Default is "lightblue".


The color of the nodes of models formed by adding one or more free parameters to the original model. Default is "burlywood1".


The color of the nodes of models formed by dropping one or more free parameters from the original model. Default is "lightgreen".


The color of other models not specified above. Default is "grey50".


The color of the text labels of the nodes. Default is "black".


The size of the labels of the nodes. Default is 1.


String. The name of the original model (target model). Default is "original".


Logical. Whether the redundant direct path between two models. A direct path is redundant if two models are also connected through at least one another model. Default is TRUE.


If TRUE, then an arrow (edge) is always labelled by the difference in model dfs. If FALSE, then no arrows are labelled. If NULL, then arrows are labelled when not all differences in model dfs are equal to one. Default is NULL.


The size of the labels of the arrows (edges), if labelled. Default is 1.


String. Use if model df differences are stored. If "inverse", larger the difference in model df, narrower an arrow. That is, more similar two models are, thicker the arrow. If "normal", larger the difference in model df, wider an arrow. If "none", then arrow width is constant, set to arrow_max_width. Default is "inverse".


If weight_arrows_by_df is not "none", this is the minimum width of an arrow.


If weight_arrows_by_df is not "none", this is the maximum width of an arrow. If weight_arrows_by_df is "none", this is the width of all arrows.


Whether a progress bar will be displayed for some steps (e.g., checking for nested relations). Default is TRUE.


If TRUE and short model names are stored, they will be used as model labels. Please print the object with short_names = TRUE to find the corresponding full model names.


If not NULL, this is the minimum BPP for a model to be labelled. Models with BPP less than this value will not be labelled. Useful when the number of models is large.


Optional arguments. Not used for now.


A model_graph-class object that can be used as as an igraph-object, with a plot method (plot.model_graph()) with settings suitable for plotting a network of models with BIC posterior probabilities computed.


It extracts the model list stored in object, creates an adjacency matrix, and then creates an igraph object customized for visualizing model relations.

Construction of the Graph

This is the default way to construct the graph when the model set is automatically by model_set().

  • Each model is connected by an arrow, pointing from one model to another model that

    a. can be formed by adding one or more free parameter, or

    b. can be formed by releasing one or more equality constraint between two parameters.

    c. has nested relation with this model as determined by the method proposed by Bentler and Satorra (2010), if the models are not generated internally.

That is, it points to a model with more degrees of freedom (more complicated), and is nested within that model in either parameter sense or covariance sense.

  • By default, the size of the node for each model is scaled by its BIC posterior probability, if available. See The Size of a Node below.

  • If a model is designated as the original (target) model, than he original model, the models with more degrees of freedom than the original model, and the models with fewer degrees of freedom than the original models, are colored differently.

  • The default layout is the Sugiyama layout, with simpler models (models with fewer degrees of freedom) on the top. The lower a model is in the network, the more the degrees of freedom it has. This layout is suitable for showing the nested relations of the models. Models on the same level (layer) horizontally have the same model df.

The output is an igraph object. Users can customize it in any way they want using functions from the igraph package.

If a model has no nested relation with all other model, it will not be connected to other models.

If no model is named original (default is "original"), then no model is colored as the original model.

User-Provided Models

If object contained one or more user-provided models which are not generated automatically by model_set() or similar functions (e.g., gen_models()), then the method by Bentler and Satorra (2010) will be used to determine model relations. Models connected by an arrow has a nested relation based on the NET method by Bentler and Satorra (2010). An internal function inspired by the net function from the semTools package is used to implement the NET method.

The Size of a Node

When a model is scaled by x, which usually is the BIC posterior probability, its size is determined by:

max_size * (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) + min_size


Bentler, P. M., & Satorra, A. (2010). Testing model nesting and equivalence. Psychological Methods, 15(2), 111–123. doi:10.1037/a0019625 Asparouhov, T., & Muthén, B. (2019). Nesting and Equivalence Testing for Structural Equation Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 26(2), 302–309. doi:10.1080/10705511.2018.1513795


Shu Fai Cheung The internal function for nesting inspired by the net function from the semTools package, which was developed by Terrence D. Jorgensen.



mod <-
m1 ~ x
y ~ m1

fit <- sem(mod, dat_serial_4, fixed.x = TRUE)

out <- model_set(fit)
#> Generate 1 less restrictive model(s):
  |                                                  | 0 % ~calculating  
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed=00s  
#> Generate 2 more restrictive model(s):
  |                                                  | 0 % ~calculating  
  |+++++++++++++++++++++++++                         | 50% ~00s          
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed=00s  
#> Check for duplicated models (4 model[s] to check):
  |                                                  |   0%
  |++++++++                                          |  17%
  |+++++++++++++++++                                 |  33%
  |+++++++++++++++++++++++++                         |  50%
  |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 |  67%
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++        |  83%
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100%
#> Fit the 4 model(s) (duplicated models removed):
#> Call:
#> model_set(sem_out = fit)
#> Number of model(s) fitted           : 4
#> Number of model(s) converged        : 4
#> Number of model(s) passed post.check: 4
#> The models (sorted by BPP):
#>            model_df df_diff Prior     BIC   BPP   cfi rmsea
#> original          1       0 0.250 370.869 0.880 1.000 0.000
#> add: y~x          0       1 0.250 374.847 0.120 1.000 0.000
#> drop: y~m1        2      -1 0.250 431.244 0.000 0.615 0.564
#> drop: m1~x        2      -1 0.250 469.045 0.000 0.387 0.712
#> Note:
#> - BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion.
#> - BPP: BIC posterior probability.
#> - model_df: Model degrees of freedom.
#> - df_diff: Difference in df compared to the original/target model.
#> - To show cumulative BPPs, call print() with 'cumulative_bpp = TRUE'.
#> - At least one model has fixed.x = TRUE. The models are not checked for
#>   equivalence.
#> - Since Version, the default values of exclude_feedback and
#>   exclude_xy_cov changed to TRUE. Set them to FALSE to reproduce
#>   results from previous versions.

g <- model_graph(out)