Standardize Variables in a Regression Model
, R/std_selected_boot.R
Standardize, mean center, or scale by standard deviation selected variables in a regression model and refit the model
std_selected(lm_out, to_scale = NULL, to_center = NULL, to_standardize = NULL)
to_scale = NULL,
to_center = NULL,
to_standardize = NULL,
conf = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
boot_args = NULL,
save_boot_est = TRUE,
full_output = FALSE,
do_boot = TRUE
- lm_out
The output from
.- to_scale
The terms to be rescaled by standard deviation, specified by a formula as in
. For example, if the terms to be scaled arex1
, use~ x1 + x3
. No need to specify the interaction term. To scale the outcome variable, list it on the right hand side as a predictor. Specify only the original variables. IfNULL
, then no terms will be rescaled by their standard deviations. Variables that are not numeric will be ignored. Default isNULL
.- to_center
The terms to be mean centered, specified by a formula as in
. For example, if the terms to be centered isx1
, use~ x1 + x3
. No need to specify the interaction term. To center the outcome variable, list it on the right hand side as a predictor. Specify only the original variables. IfNULL
, then no term will be centered. Default isNULL
.- to_standardize
The terms to be standardized, specified by a formula as in
. For example, if the terms to be standardized isx1
, use~ x1 + x3
. No need to specify the interaction term. To standardize the outcome variable, list it on the right hand side as a predictor. Specify only the original variables. This is a shortcut toto_center
. Listing a variable into_standardize
is equivalent to listing this variable in bothto_center
. Default isNULL
.- conf
The level of confidence for the confidence interval. Default is .95.
- nboot
The number of bootstrap samples. Default is 100.
- boot_args
A named list of arguments to be passed to
. Default isNULL
.- save_boot_est
, the default, the bootstrap estimates will be saved in the elementboot_est
of the output.- full_output
Whether the full output from
is returned. Default isFALSE
, the full output fromboot::boot()
will be saved in the elementboot_out
of the output.- do_boot
Whether bootstrapping confidence intervals will be formed. Default is
, all arguments related to bootstrapping will be ignored.
The updated lm()
output, with the class std_selected
added. It will be
treated as a usual lm()
object by most functions. These are the major
additional element in the list:
: If notNULL
, a character vector of the variables scaled.centered_terms
: If notNULL
, a character vector of the variables mean-centered.scaled_by
: A numeric vector of the scaling factors for all the variables in the model. The value is 1 for terms not scaled.centered_by
: A numeric vector of the numbers used for centering for all the variables in the model. The value is 0 for terms not centered.std_selected_call
: The original call.lm_out_call
: The call inlm_out
Like std_selected()
, std_selected_boot()
returns the updated lm()
output, with the class std_selected
added. The output of std_selected_boot()
contain these additional elements in the list:
: A data frame of the bootstrap confidence intervals of the regression coefficient.nboot
: The number of bootstrap samples requested.conf
: The level of confidence, in proportion.boot_est
: A matrix of the bootstrap estimates of the regression coefficients. The number of rows equal tonboot
, and the number of columns equal to the number of terms in the regression model.std_selected_boot_call
: The call tostd_selected_boot()
: If available, the original output fromboot::boot()
was originally developed to compute the standardized
moderation effect and the standardized coefficients for other predictors
given an lm()
output (Cheung, Cheung, Lau, Hui, & Vong, 2022).
It has been extended such that users can specify
which variables in a regression model are to be mean-centered and/or
rescaled by
their standard deviations. If the model has one or more interaction terms,
they will be formed after the transformation, yielding the correct
standardized solution for a moderated regression model. Moreover,
categorical predictors will be automatically skipped in mean-centering
and rescaling.
Standardization is conducted when a variable is mean-centered and then rescaled by its standard deviation. Therefore, if the goal is to get the standardized solution of a moderated regression, users just instruct the function to standardize all non-categorical variables in the regression model.
is a wrapper of std_selected()
. It calls
for each bootstrap sample, and then computes the nonparametric
percentile confidence intervals (Cheung, Cheung, Lau, Hui, & Vong, 2022).
If do_boot
, then the object it returns is identical to that
by std_selected()
This function intentionally does not have an argument for setting the seed
random number. Users are recommended to set the seed, e.g., using
before calling it, to ensure reproducibility.
: The base function to center or scale selected variables in a regression modelstd_selected_boot()
: A wrapper ofstd_selected()
that forms nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals.
Cheung, S. F., Cheung, S.-H., Lau, E. Y. Y., Hui, C. H., & Vong, W. N. (2022) Improving an old way to measure moderation effect in standardized units. Health Psychology, 41(7), 502-505. doi:10.1037/hea0001188
Shu Fai Cheung https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9871-9448
# Load a sample data set
dat <- test_x_1_w_1_v_1_cat1_n_500
#> dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> 1 4946.751 12.76737 96.85621 11.756899 gp1
#> 2 6635.081 14.89097 106.25696 11.371237 gp2
#> 3 6060.708 15.24101 97.85852 9.377471 gp2
#> 4 7240.781 16.65782 104.80266 10.508913 gp1
#> 5 5775.759 11.84448 95.85912 15.093480 gp3
#> 6 7725.783 16.31270 100.20561 3.442902 gp2
# Do a moderated regression by lm
lm_raw <- lm(dv ~ iv*mod + v1 + cat1, dat)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -2146.0 -431.9 -25.0 411.2 2309.3
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 308.767 4075.066 0.076 0.9396
#> iv 52.760 271.242 0.195 0.8459
#> mod 5.127 40.772 0.126 0.9000
#> v1 -12.760 10.174 -1.254 0.2104
#> cat1gp2 -158.673 71.834 -2.209 0.0276 *
#> cat1gp3 -43.166 75.283 -0.573 0.5666
#> iv:mod 3.416 2.709 1.261 0.2080
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 665 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.6352, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6307
#> F-statistic: 143 on 6 and 493 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# Mean center mod only
lm_cw <- std_selected(lm_raw, to_center = ~ mod)
#> Call to std_selected():
#> std_selected(lm_out = lm_raw, to_center = ~mod)
#> Selected variable(s) are centered by mean and/or scaled by SD
#> - Variable(s) centered: mod
#> centered_by scaled_by Note
#> dv 0.000 1
#> iv 0.000 1
#> mod 100.395 1 Centered (mean = 0)
#> v1 0.000 1
#> cat1 NA NA Nonnumeric
#> Note:
#> - Categorical variables will not be centered or scaled even if
#> requested.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat_mod)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -2146.0 -431.9 -25.0 411.2 2309.3
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 823.445 249.736 3.2973 0.001047 **
#> iv 395.692 14.684 26.9480 < 0.001 ***
#> mod 5.126 40.772 0.1257 0.899992
#> v1 -12.760 10.174 -1.2542 0.210365
#> cat1gp2 -158.673 71.834 -2.2089 0.027642 *
#> cat1gp3 -43.166 75.283 -0.5734 0.566645
#> iv:mod 3.416 2.709 1.2608 0.207990
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 665 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> R-squared : 0.6352
#> Adjusted R-squared : 0.6307
#> ANOVA test of R-squared : F(6, 493) = 143.047, p < 0.001
#> = Test the highest order term =
#> The highest order term : iv:mod
#> R-squared increase adding this term: 0.0012
#> F test of R-squared increase : F(1, 493) = 1.5895, p = 0.208
#> Note:
#> - Estimates and their statistics are based on the data after
#> mean-centering, scaling, or standardization.
#> - One or more variables are scaled by SD or standardized. OLS standard
#> errors and confidence intervals may be biased for their coefficients.
#> Please use `std_selected_boot()`.
# Mean center mod and iv
lm_cwx <- std_selected(lm_raw, to_center = ~ mod + iv)
#> Call to std_selected():
#> std_selected(lm_out = lm_raw, to_center = ~mod + iv)
#> Selected variable(s) are centered by mean and/or scaled by SD
#> - Variable(s) centered: mod iv
#> centered_by scaled_by Note
#> dv 0.00000 1
#> iv 15.01576 1 Centered (mean = 0)
#> mod 100.39502 1 Centered (mean = 0)
#> v1 0.00000 1
#> cat1 NA NA Nonnumeric
#> Note:
#> - Categorical variables will not be centered or scaled even if
#> requested.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat_mod)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -2146.0 -431.9 -25.0 411.2 2309.3
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 6765.069 115.857 58.3916 < 0.001 ***
#> iv 395.692 14.684 26.9480 < 0.001 ***
#> mod 56.418 5.941 9.4962 < 0.001 ***
#> v1 -12.760 10.174 -1.2542 0.21037
#> cat1gp2 -158.673 71.834 -2.2089 0.02764 *
#> cat1gp3 -43.166 75.283 -0.5734 0.56664
#> iv:mod 3.416 2.709 1.2608 0.20799
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 665 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> R-squared : 0.6352
#> Adjusted R-squared : 0.6307
#> ANOVA test of R-squared : F(6, 493) = 143.047, p < 0.001
#> = Test the highest order term =
#> The highest order term : iv:mod
#> R-squared increase adding this term: 0.0012
#> F test of R-squared increase : F(1, 493) = 1.5895, p = 0.208
#> Note:
#> - Estimates and their statistics are based on the data after
#> mean-centering, scaling, or standardization.
#> - One or more variables are scaled by SD or standardized. OLS standard
#> errors and confidence intervals may be biased for their coefficients.
#> Please use `std_selected_boot()`.
# Standardize both mod and iv
lm_stdwx <- std_selected(lm_raw, to_scale = ~ mod + iv,
to_center = ~ mod + iv)
#> Call to std_selected():
#> std_selected(lm_out = lm_raw, to_scale = ~mod + iv, to_center = ~mod +
#> iv)
#> Selected variable(s) are centered by mean and/or scaled by SD
#> - Variable(s) centered: mod iv
#> - Variable(s) scaled: mod iv
#> centered_by scaled_by Note
#> dv 0.00000 1.000000
#> iv 15.01576 2.039154 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> mod 100.39502 5.040823 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> v1 0.00000 1.000000
#> cat1 NA NA Nonnumeric
#> Note:
#> - Categorical variables will not be centered or scaled even if
#> requested.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat_mod)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -2146.0 -431.9 -25.0 411.2 2309.3
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 6765.07 115.86 58.3916 < 0.001 ***
#> iv 806.88 29.94 26.9480 < 0.001 ***
#> mod 284.39 29.95 9.4962 < 0.001 ***
#> v1 -12.76 10.17 -1.2542 0.21037
#> cat1gp2 -158.67 71.83 -2.2089 0.02764 *
#> cat1gp3 -43.17 75.28 -0.5734 0.56664
#> iv:mod 35.11 27.85 1.2608 0.20799
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 665 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> R-squared : 0.6352
#> Adjusted R-squared : 0.6307
#> ANOVA test of R-squared : F(6, 493) = 143.047, p < 0.001
#> = Test the highest order term =
#> The highest order term : iv:mod
#> R-squared increase adding this term: 0.0012
#> F test of R-squared increase : F(1, 493) = 1.5895, p = 0.208
#> Note:
#> - Estimates and their statistics are based on the data after
#> mean-centering, scaling, or standardization.
#> - One or more variables are scaled by SD or standardized. OLS standard
#> errors and confidence intervals may be biased for their coefficients.
#> Please use `std_selected_boot()`.
# Standardize all variables except for categorical variables.
# Interaction terms are formed after standardization.
lm_std <- std_selected(lm_raw, to_scale = ~ .,
to_center = ~ .)
#> Call to std_selected():
#> std_selected(lm_out = lm_raw, to_scale = ~., to_center = ~.)
#> Selected variable(s) are centered by mean and/or scaled by SD
#> - Variable(s) centered: dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> - Variable(s) scaled: dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> centered_by scaled_by Note
#> dv 6565.02965 1094.244465 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> iv 15.01576 2.039154 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> mod 100.39502 5.040823 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> v1 10.13884 2.938932 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> cat1 NA NA Nonnumeric
#> Note:
#> - Categorical variables will not be centered or scaled even if
#> requested.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat_mod)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -1.96117 -0.39474 -0.02285 0.37579 2.11040
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 0.0646 0.0483 1.3385 0.18136
#> iv 0.7374 0.0274 26.9480 < 0.001 ***
#> mod 0.2599 0.0274 9.4962 < 0.001 ***
#> v1 -0.0343 0.0273 -1.2542 0.21037
#> cat1gp2 -0.1450 0.0656 -2.2089 0.02764 *
#> cat1gp3 -0.0394 0.0688 -0.5734 0.56664
#> iv:mod 0.0321 0.0255 1.2608 0.20799
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 0.6077 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> R-squared : 0.6352
#> Adjusted R-squared : 0.6307
#> ANOVA test of R-squared : F(6, 493) = 143.047, p < 0.001
#> = Test the highest order term =
#> The highest order term : iv:mod
#> R-squared increase adding this term: 0.0012
#> F test of R-squared increase : F(1, 493) = 1.5895, p = 0.208
#> Note:
#> - Estimates and their statistics are based on the data after
#> mean-centering, scaling, or standardization.
#> - One or more variables are scaled by SD or standardized. OLS standard
#> errors and confidence intervals may be biased for their coefficients.
#> Please use `std_selected_boot()`.
# Use to_standardize as a shortcut
lm_stdwx2 <- std_selected(lm_raw, to_standardize = ~ mod + iv)
# The results are the same
#> (Intercept) iv mod v1 cat1gp2 cat1gp3
#> 6765.06947 806.87814 284.39275 -12.75999 -158.67255 -43.16606
#> iv:mod
#> 35.11145
#> (Intercept) iv mod v1 cat1gp2 cat1gp3
#> 6765.06947 806.87814 284.39275 -12.75999 -158.67255 -43.16606
#> iv:mod
#> 35.11145
all.equal(coef(lm_stdwx), coef(lm_stdwx2))
#> [1] TRUE
dat <- test_x_1_w_1_v_1_cat1_n_500
#> dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> 1 4946.751 12.76737 96.85621 11.756899 gp1
#> 2 6635.081 14.89097 106.25696 11.371237 gp2
#> 3 6060.708 15.24101 97.85852 9.377471 gp2
#> 4 7240.781 16.65782 104.80266 10.508913 gp1
#> 5 5775.759 11.84448 95.85912 15.093480 gp3
#> 6 7725.783 16.31270 100.20561 3.442902 gp2
# Do a moderated regression by lm
lm_raw <- lm(dv ~ iv*mod + v1 + cat1, dat)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -2146.0 -431.9 -25.0 411.2 2309.3
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 308.767 4075.066 0.076 0.9396
#> iv 52.760 271.242 0.195 0.8459
#> mod 5.127 40.772 0.126 0.9000
#> v1 -12.760 10.174 -1.254 0.2104
#> cat1gp2 -158.673 71.834 -2.209 0.0276 *
#> cat1gp3 -43.166 75.283 -0.573 0.5666
#> iv:mod 3.416 2.709 1.261 0.2080
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 665 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.6352, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6307
#> F-statistic: 143 on 6 and 493 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# Standardize all variables as in std_selected above, and compute the
# nonparametric bootstrapping percentile confidence intervals.
lm_std_boot <- std_selected_boot(lm_raw,
to_scale = ~ .,
to_center = ~ .,
conf = .95,
nboot = 100)
# In real analysis, nboot should be at least 2000.
#> Call to std_selected_boot():
#> std_selected_boot(lm_out = lm_raw, to_scale = ~., to_center = ~.,
#> conf = 0.95, nboot = 100)
#> Selected variable(s) are centered by mean and/or scaled by SD
#> - Variable(s) centered: dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> - Variable(s) scaled: dv iv mod v1 cat1
#> centered_by scaled_by Note
#> dv 6565.02965 1094.244465 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> iv 15.01576 2.039154 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> mod 100.39502 5.040823 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> v1 10.13884 2.938932 Standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1)
#> cat1 NA NA Nonnumeric
#> Note:
#> - Categorical variables will not be centered or scaled even if
#> requested.
#> - Nonparametric bootstrapping 95% confidence intervals computed.
#> - The number of bootstrap samples is 100.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + v1 + cat1, data = dat_mod)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -1.96117 -0.39474 -0.02285 0.37579 2.11040
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate CI Lower CI Upper Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 0.0646 -0.0301 0.1683 0.0483 1.3385 0.18136
#> iv 0.7374 0.7041 0.7948 0.0274 26.9480 < 0.001 ***
#> mod 0.2599 0.2129 0.3130 0.0274 9.4962 < 0.001 ***
#> v1 -0.0343 -0.0835 0.0392 0.0273 -1.2542 0.21037
#> cat1gp2 -0.1450 -0.3127 -0.0046 0.0656 -2.2089 0.02764 *
#> cat1gp3 -0.0394 -0.1845 0.1222 0.0688 -0.5734 0.56664
#> iv:mod 0.0321 -0.0103 0.0817 0.0255 1.2608 0.20799
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 0.6077 on 493 degrees of freedom
#> R-squared : 0.6352
#> Adjusted R-squared : 0.6307
#> ANOVA test of R-squared : F(6, 493) = 143.047, p < 0.001
#> = Test the highest order term =
#> The highest order term : iv:mod
#> R-squared increase adding this term: 0.0012
#> F test of R-squared increase : F(1, 493) = 1.5895, p = 0.208
#> Note:
#> - Estimates and their statistics are based on the data after
#> mean-centering, scaling, or standardization.
#> - [CI Lower, CI Upper] are bootstrap percentile confidence intervals.
#> - Std. Error are not bootstrap SEs.
# Use to_standardize as a shortcut
lm_std_boot2 <- std_selected_boot(lm_raw,
to_standardize = ~ .,
conf = .95,
nboot = 100)
# The results are the same
#> 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> (Intercept) -0.03011698 0.16832106
#> iv 0.70408792 0.79477219
#> mod 0.21293423 0.31304112
#> v1 -0.08345938 0.03923478
#> cat1gp2 -0.31267483 -0.00464722
#> cat1gp3 -0.18447930 0.12223465
#> iv:mod -0.01033317 0.08169839
#> 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> (Intercept) -0.03011698 0.16832106
#> iv 0.70408792 0.79477219
#> mod 0.21293423 0.31304112
#> v1 -0.08345938 0.03923478
#> cat1gp2 -0.31267483 -0.00464722
#> cat1gp3 -0.18447930 0.12223465
#> iv:mod -0.01033317 0.08169839
all.equal(confint(lm_std_boot), confint(lm_std_boot2))
#> [1] TRUE