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This vignette is a simplified version of the technical appendix hosted at the OSF project site of Cheung & Pesigan (2023), associated with the package semlbci. It presents the workflow used by ci_i_one() and ci_bound_wn_i() to find a bound of a likelihood-based confidence interval (LBCI) of a parameter in a fitted lavaan model.

ci_i_one() and ci_bound_wn_i() are internal functions used by semlbci(). They are not supposed to be used by users. Nevertheless, developers can use them directly if so desired.

Purposes of the Functions

ci_i_one() is called by semlbci() for each confidence bound (limit), twice for each selected parameter, once for the lower bound and once for the upper bound. It sets up necessary arguments and then call the lowest level function responsible for searching a bound.

Currently, only one such function is available, ci_bound_wn_i(), which implements the algorithm proposed by Wu & Neale (2012), adapted by Pek & Wu (2015), without the part for handling parameters with attainable bounds. To avoid confusion with the method by Wu & Neale (2012) for parameters with attainable bound, we denote this method WNPW (Wu-Neale-Pek-Wu) method in this document.

Overall Workflow

We first present the overall workflow1 of semlbci(). We then present the workflow of ci_i_one(), called by semlbci() once for each bound of each parameter requested (twice for each parameter, once for the lower bound and once for the upper bound). Last, we present the workflows of the two stages of ci_bound_wn_i(), the minimization stage and the checking stage.

Details for the arguments mentioned in this section can be found from the help pages of semlbci(), ci_i_one(), and ci_bound_wn_i().


semlbci() is the main function used by users. It is used to find the LBCI of selected parameters. It is also responsible for setting the equality constraint required by the WNPW method. If robust LBCI proposed by Falk (2018) is requested, it will also compute the scaling and shift factors to be used by the robust likelihood ratio test by Satorra (2000).

The general workflow of semlbci() is shown below:

General Workflow of semlbci()

We describe below the two functions called by semlbci() in the workflow, set_constraint() and :scaling_factor3().


This function, called by semlbci(), is used to set the equality constraint used by the WNPW method.

As presented in Pek & Wu (2015), to find the lower bound, θL\theta_L, of the 100(1-α\alpha)% LBCI of θ̂j\hat{\theta}_j, θL\theta_L is minimized with respect to all parameters, (θL,𝛉q)(\theta_L, \boldsymbol{\theta}_q), 𝛉𝐪\boldsymbol{\theta_q} being all parameters other than θL\theta_L, subject to the following constraint:

0=2nF(θL,𝛉𝐪)(2nF(θ̂)+χ(1,1α)2) 0 = 2nF(\theta_L, \boldsymbol{\theta_q}) - (2nF(\hat{\theta}) + \chi_{(1, 1 - \alpha)}^2)

F(𝛉̂)F(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}) is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the ML estimate 𝛉̂\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}. χ(1,1α)2\chi_{(1, 1 - \alpha)}^2 is the χ2\chi^2 critical value at df=1df = 1 and level of significance = α\alpha (about 3.84 with α=.05\alpha = .05), and nn is the sample size (total sample size in multisample models).

This constraint means that model χ2\chi^2 difference test between the model with θj\theta_j fixed to θL\theta_L and the original model with θj\theta_j freely estimated should have a p-value equal to α\alpha.

In lavaan, F(θL,𝛉q)F(\theta_L, \boldsymbol{\theta}_q) is "fmin" in the output of lavaan::fitMeasures(). When the estimator is ML and likelihood = "normal", the default, multiplying "fmin" by 2n2n yields the model χ2\chi^2.

To find the upper bound, θU\theta_U, θU-\theta_U is minimized (equivalently, θU\theta_U is maximized). The final value will be multiplied by 1-1 to get the upper bound.

The WNPW method can easily be used when a model has one or more equality constraints on the parameters. These constraints are simply extracted from the lavaan object and passed to nloptr::nloptr(), the function used to do the minimization, along with the constraint by the WNPW method when minimizing the objective function.

The function set_constraint() returns a general version of the constraint:

0=2nF(θL,𝛉q)(2nF(𝛉̂)+χ(1,1α)2ba) 0 = 2nF(\theta_L, \boldsymbol{\theta}_q) - (2nF(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}) + \frac{\chi_{(1, 1 - \alpha)}^2 - b}{a})

In this general form, aa is the scaling factor and bb is the shift factor. When a=1a = 1 and b=0b = 0, it is the constraint in the WNPW method. When robust LBCI is requested, the scaling and shift factors are computed as in the same way by lavaan::lavTestLRT() with method = satorra.2000 and A.method = "exact".2


This internal function, not exported, computes the scaling and shift factors used by lavaan::lavTestLRT() with method = satorra.2000 and A.method = "exact". This is the method proposed by Falk (2018) for robust LBCI. These factors can be used to do the robust likelihood ratio test proposed by Satorra (2000) without directly calling lavaan::lavTestLRT() when doing the minimization. Because these factors depend only on the parameter for which the LBCI is to be searched, they can be computed once and reused during the minimization.

Since version 0.6-13 of lavaan, lavaan::lavTestLRT() stores the scaling and shift factors in the output. Therefore, for future versions of semlbci, it is possible to remove semlbci:::scaling_factor3() and use lavaan::lavTestLRT() to get the scaling and shift factors directly.


The workflow of ci_i_one() is presented below:

General Workflow of ci_i_one()

Its job is to call ci_bound_wn_i() once or more than once to find the bound of an LBCI of a parameter. It does not check the validity or plausibility of the bound. The lowest level function, ci_bound_wn_i(), is responsible for doing the checks. If something is wrong, ci_bound_wn_i() will set status to a non-zero value.

The argument try_k_more_times is used to determine whether it will try “harder” for k more times if the first attempt failed (e.g., status != 0, meaning that the bound found fails one or more checks).


The function ci_bound_wn_i() is the lowest level function that is responsible for searching the bound. It implements an optimization method (the WNPW method in this case) and takes care of all the technical details. It is not supposed to be used by users and the interface is not designed to be user-friendly. Nevertheless, interested users can use it directly to find a bound, bypassing semlbci(). Examples can be found in vignette("technical_searching_one_bound", package = "semlbci").

The workflow of ci_bound_wn_i() can be separated into two stages, the minimization stage and the checking stage.

Minimization Stage

The workflow of the minimization stage is presented below:

Workflow of ci_bound_wn_i() - Minimization Stage

Optimization Algorithm

The function used to do the minimization is nloptr::nloptr(), using NLOPT_LD_SLSQP as the value for algorithm. The parameters (x0) are all free parameters in the model. The objective function, eval_f is set to lbci_b_f(), the function that returns the bound in each iteration. The gradient function, eval_grad_f, is lbci_b_grad(). The equality constraint(s), eval_g_eq, is the result of set_constraint(), supplied through the argument f_constr from semlbci(), along with other equality constraints in the model, if any.

The two functions created by ci_bound_wn_i() in this stage, lbci_b_f() and lbci_b_grad(), are described below.


In the WNPW method, if the parameter, θj\theta_j, is a free parameter, and the lower bound is to be searched, this function simply returns the value of θj\theta_j (all other free parameters other than θj\theta_j are denoted by θq\theta_q):

f(θj,𝛉q)=θj f(\theta_j, \boldsymbol{\theta}_q) = \theta_j

If the upper bound is to be searched, then this function is:

f(θj,𝛉q)=θj f(\theta_j, \boldsymbol{\theta}_q) = -\theta_j

If the parameter is a function of some free parameters (e.g., an indirect effect, or a standardized coefficient such as correlation), denoted by h(𝛉)h(\boldsymbol{\theta}), 𝛉\boldsymbol{\theta} being all free parameters (though some may not be used in hh), and the lower bound is to be searched, then this function is:

f(𝛉)=h(𝛉) f(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = h(\boldsymbol{\theta})

Similarly, if the upper bound is to be searched, this function is:

f(𝛉)=h(𝛉) f(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = -h(\boldsymbol{\theta})

Therefore, in the optimization, minimization is conducted whether the lower or upper bound is to be searched.


The gradient of the object function, lbci_b_f(), is either precomputed (if the parameter for which the bound is being searched is a parameter) or computed by lavaan::lav_func_gradient_complex().

Tweaking the Optimization

The first attempt of optimization may fail, especially when the target parameter is a function of free parameters (e.g., an indirect effect, or a parameter in the standardized solution). The arguments xtol_rel, ftol_rel, and lb are adjusted across attempts. This is done by ci_i_one() for the second and subsequent calls to ci_bound_wn_i().

Checking Stage

The workflow of the checking stage is presented below:

Workflow of ci_bound_wn_i() - Checking Stage

It will do the following checks, in this order:

  1. Is the status code of nloptr::nloptr() equal to 0 (“success”)?

    If the status code of nloptr::nloptr() is not equal to 0, then the status code for ci_bound_wn_i() will be set to 1.

  2. In final solution, do the values of the free parameters result in an admissible solution? (Checked by lavaan::lavInspect() with what = "post.check").

    The values of the parameters in the final solution is used to fit the model, and then lavaan::lavInspect() is called to check the solution. Examples of inadmissible solution are negative variances and correlations greater than one in magnitude.

    If the solution is not admissible, then the status code for ci_bound_wn_i() will be set to 1.

  3. When the target parameter (free or derived, i.e., the function of parameters, such as an indirect effect or a standardized regression coefficient) is fixed to the bound found, is the p-value of the likelihood ratio test between this constrained model and the original model equal to 1 - confidence level (.05 for a 95% LBCI)?

    If not, then the likelihood-based confidence bound is by definition invalid. The status code for ci_bound_wn_i() will be set to 1.

    The check is equivalent to using lavaan::lavTestLRT(). If robust LBCI is requested, then the check is equivalent to using lavaan::lavTestLRT() with method = satorra.2000 and A.method = "exact".

The bound is set to NA if the solution fails any of the three checks presented above, to prevent users from accidentally using a bound that may be invalid.

In sum, the bound returned, if not NA, has the following characteristics:

  • Noted as “success” in the optimization by nloptr::nloptr().

  • The values of the parameters do not yield an inadmissible solution.

  • The bound is by definition valid.

Main Arguments

This section presents in details the arguments used by ci_i_one() and ci_bound_wn_i().


ci_i_one() is an interface between user functions such as semlbci() and low level functions such as ci_bound_wn_i(). It is responsible for setting necessary values to be used by ci_bound_wn_i().

These are the main arguments of ci_i_one():

  • i:

    The position (row number) of the target parameters as appeared in the parameter table of the output of lavaan::lavaan() and its wrappers, such as lavaan::sem() and lavaan::cfa(). This uniquely identifies a parameter, which can be free, fixed, or user-defined.

  • which:

    Either "lbound" or "ubound", denoting lower bound and upper bound, respectively. The confidence bound (limit) to be searched.

  • sem_out:

    A lavaan-class object. the output of lavaan::lavaan() and its wrappers, such as lavaan::sem() and lavaan::cfa().

  • method:

    The method to be used to find a confidence bound. Currently, only the modified Wu-Neale method presented by Pek and Wu (2015) is supported ("wn"). Separating the low level function from this function allows for the possibility to develop low level functions for other methods, without the need to change the interface implemented in ci_i_one().

  • standardized:

    Logical. Whether the confidence bound of the parameter in the standardized solution is to be searched. For example, for a covariance, whether the covariance, or the correlation, is to be used in searching the bound. Default is FALSE.

  • robust:

    Whether robust likelihood-based confidence bound is to be searched, and if yes, the method to be used. Currently only support "none" (robust method not used) or "satorra.2000", proposed by Falk (2018).

  • sf_full:

    Used when robust is "satorra.2000". If NA, the scaling and shift factors used in the likelihood ratio test will be computed internally. If supplied, it should be a list with two scalar elements, c_r and c_rb, the scaling factor and the shift factors.

  • sf_args:

    If robust is "satorra.2000" and sf_full is NA, this is a named list of arguments to be passed to semlbci:::scaling_factor3(), an internal function for computing the scaling and shift factors proposed by Asparouhov & Muthén (2010).

  • try_k_more_times:

    How many more times to try if the status code is not zero. Default is 0 but semlbci() set this argument to 2 when calling this function. If set to an integer greater than zero, it will call the low level function until the status code is zero or until this number of additional calls have been attempted. In each successive call, some values will be modified to do the search using these new settings.


ci_bound_wn_i() is the low level function called by ci_i_one(). This function implements the modified Wu-Neale method presented by Pek & Wu (2015), named Wu-Neale-Pek-Wu (WNPW) method in this document. This function is not supposed to be used by users and the interface is not user-friendly. Interested users can refer to vignette("technical_searching_one_bound", package = "semlbci") to see how to use ci_bound_wn_i() directly.

These are the main arguments of ci_bound_wn_i():

  • i:

    The position (row number) of the target parameters as appeared in the parameter table of the output of lavaan::lavaan() and its wrappers, such as lavaan::sem() and lavaan::cfa(). This id uniquely identifies a parameter, which can be free, fixed, or user-defined.

  • npar:

    The number of free parameters in the model, including those constrained to be equal. To be supplied by ci_i_one().

  • sem_out:

    A lavaan-class object. the output of lavaan::lavaan() and its wrappers, such as lavaan::sem() and lavaan::cfa().

  • f_constr:

    The constraint function generated by set_constraint(). Created by semlbci() and then passed to it through ci_i_one().

  • which:

    Either "lbound" or "ubound", denoting lower bound and upper bound, respectively. The confidence bound (limit) to be searched.

  • perturbation_factor:

    The number by which the parameter estimates in sem_out will be multiplied, to set the starting values, because using the parameter estimates as starting values may lead to errors in the first few iterations. Default is .90. This argument is ignored if wald_ci_start, described below, is TRUE.

  • lb_var:

    The lower bound for free parameters that are variances. If equal to -Inf, the default, lb_prop and lb_se_k, described below, will be used to set the lower bounds for free variances. If it is a number, it will be used to set the lower bounds for all free variances.

  • wald_ci_start:

    If TRUE, there are no equality constraints in the model, and the target parameter is not a user-defined parameter, the Wald or delta confidence bounds will be used as the starting values.

  • standardized:

    Logical. Whether the confidence bound of the parameter in the standardized solution is to be searched. For example, for a covariance, whether the covariance, or the correlation, is to be used in searching the bound. Default is FALSE.

  • opts:

    A named list of options to be passed to nloptr::nloptr(), the function used for the optimization. Default is list(). This argument can be used to override internal settings used by ci_bound_wn_i().

  • ciperc:

    The intended coverage probability for the confidence interval. Default is .95, and the bound for a 95% likelihood-based confidence interval will be sought.

  • ci_limit_ratio_tol:

    The tolerance for the ratio of a to b, where a is the distance between an bound of an LBCI and the point estimate, and the b is the distance between the original confidence bound (by default the Wald or delta CI in lavaan::lavaan()) and the point estimate. If the ratio is larger than this value or smaller than the reciprocal of this value, a warning is set in the status code. Default is 1.5.

  • verbose:

    If TRUE, the function will store more diagnostic information in the attribute diag. Default is FALSE.

  • sf:

    A scaling factor. Used for robust confidence bounds. Default is 1. Precomputed by an internal function called by semlbci() or ci_i_one() when robust = "satorra.2000".

  • sf2:

    A shift factor. Used for robust confidence bounds. Default is 1. Precomputed by an internal function called by semlbci() or ci_i_one() when robust = "satorra.2000".

  • p_tol:

    The tolerance for checking the achieved level of confidence, that is, the p-value of the likelihood ratio test between the original model and the model with the parameter fixed to the bound found. If the absolute difference between the achieved level and ciperc is greater than this number, a warning is set in the status code and the bound is set to NA. Default is 5e-4.

  • xtol_rel_factor:

    Multiply the internal default value of xtol_rel for nloptr::nloptr() (1.0e-5) by this number, usually a positive number equal to or less than 1, to change the default termination criterion. Default is 1. This allows tweaking the settings for optimization without knowing the internal default value.

  • ftol_rel_factor:

    Multiply the internal default value of ftol_rel for nloptr::nloptr() (1.0e-5) by this number, usually a positive number equal to or less than 1, to change the default termination criterion. Default is 1. This allows tweaking the settings for optimization without knowing the internal default value.

  • lb_prop:

    Used by an internal function to set the lower bound for free variances. Default is .05, setting the lower bound to (.05)(point estimate). Used only if the lower bound set by lb_se_k is negative. This constraint is used only in the optimization to prevent intermediate values too far away from the point estimates. The final check done by fitting the model in lavaan will not implement this constraint.

  • lb_se_k

    Used by an internal function to set the lower bound for free variances. Default is 3, the estimate minus 3 ×\times standard error. If negative, the lower bound is set using lb_prop. This constraint is used only in the optimization to prevent intermediate values too far away from the point estimates. The final check done by fitting the model in lavaan will not implement this constraint.

Please refer to the help page of ci_bound_wn_i() to learn about other arguments.


Asparouhov, T., & Muthén, B. O. (2010). Simple second order chi-square correction.
Cheung, S. F., & Pesigan, I. J. A. (2023). Semlbci: An r package for forming likelihood-based confidence intervals for parameter estimates, correlations, indirect effects, and other derived parameters. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30(6), 985–999.
Falk, C. F. (2018). Are robust standard errors the best approach for interval estimation with nonnormal data in structural equation modeling? Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(2), 244–266.
Pek, J., & Wu, H. (2015). Profile likelihood-based confidence intervals and regions for structural equation models. Psychometrika, 80(4), 1123–1145.
Satorra, A. (2000). Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi sample analysis of moment structures. In R. D. H. Heijmans, D. S. G. Pollock, & A. Satorra (Eds.), Innovations in multivariate statistical analysis. Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics (Vol. 36). Springer.
Wu, H., & Neale, M. C. (2012). Adjusted confidence intervals for a bounded parameter. Behavior Genetics, 42(6), 886–898.